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RRRA Board Members

Bob O'Dell | N2BZX

Bob O'Dell | N2BZX

Bob Shewell | N2HJD

Bob Shewell | N2HJD

Vice President
Jay Stewart | W4JPS

Jay Stewart | W4JPS

Jerry Powell | KC2YSY

Jerry Powell | KC2YSY

Treasurer / Membership Chairman / Webmaster
Bob Shewell | N2HJD

Bob Shewell | N2HJD

Technical Chairman

Official Trustee

Bob O'Dell is Trustee of the K2RRA club call. 146.88 & 442.70 club owned repeaters.

Affiliates of RRRA

Don Edwards is Trustee of 443.60 KD2FRD/R, a DMR digital repeater.

Brad Amstrong is Trustee of the 147.18 W1YX/R

Bob Shewell N2HJD is Trustee of the N2HJD/R Megaplex.